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J41W-16T Brass Flange Globe Valve

Product overview

Product model: J41W-16T
Nominal diameter: DN15~100mm
Nominal pressure :1.6MPa
Working medium: water, oil, gas
Operating temperature: T ≤150°C

J41W-16T Brass Flange Globe Valve product details

J41W-16T Brass Flange Globe Valve main dimensions

Specifications DN15 DN20 DN25 DN32 DN40 DN50 DN65 DN80 DN100
A 80 90 100 110 135 216 237 305 326
B 95 105 115 140 150 165 177 193 215
C 79.5 86.5 94 113 132 183 193.5 290 339
D 55 60 72 78 98 125 180 200 236


All text, data and pictures in this article are for reference only.To see more details of the J41W-16T Brass Flange Globe Valve performance parameters, structural dimension parameters, pricing, etc., or to request high quality printing samples, please Contact us.
